クリストファー・ベイン 教授

My research interests are three things. One is intercultural communication. Another is making teaching materials. Finally, I am very interested in developing interesting ways to teach intercultural communication to Japanese students.教員インタビュー
When I entered university I had no real aim or goal. I like history so I studied a lot of that. My elder brother gave me the idea to study Japanese… so here I am (and I now teach in a historical building!)! University is a big change from high school. You have freedom. But with freedom comes responsibility. You need to organize yourself. I learned a lot about that! I had a lot of fun and made friends. I think that in Australia people enjoy their university days much more than high school.Q2
I have two areas that I could call my 専門, or my special interests. One is making teaching-learning materials. Every course, every class of students, every year is different. I do not use textbooks. I make my own materials. It is interesting and I can learn and change things if I have to. My other interest is culture and intercultural communication. I guess it is also part of my life in Japan. It seems a very serious topic but really it is about daily life. Culture is everywhere. WE are culture.Q3
I have two ‘themes’ to my research (but I have many ideas!). For making class materials it is academic writing, or the style of writing you need to do at university. It is also good training for the ‘real’ world, too. In intercultural communication I do not have just one focus. At the moment I am interested in something called the ‘linguistic landscape’ (言語景観), which is part culture, part language and very visual.

University is a chance to find a ‘new you’. You should keep your eyes, ears and mind open to find a chance. Your professors can help you to do that but in the end you have to find yourself by yourself. Also, take the opportunity to prepare yourself for adult life, especially learning to be responsible. That includes coming to class!!教員紹介
氏名 | Kristofer Bayne |
フリガナ | クリストファー ベイン |
職種 | 教授 |
所属 | 英語英文学科(2025年度より総合文化学科) |
取得学位 | 修士 |
学位取得大学 | Aston University Language Studies Unit |
専門分野 | Intercultural Communication |
研究テーマ | One interest is intercultural communication. Another is making teaching materials. I am very interested in developing interesting ways to teach intercultural communication. |
所属学会(役職) 及び受賞歴 | 全国語学教育学会 異文化コミュニケーション学会 異文化教育研究所 Materials Development Association |
主要業績 | ・“Strategies and Features of Teachers' Verbal Treatment of Written Instructions in the EFL Classroom” Dokkyo University Studies in Foreign Language Teaching No.14 1995年12月 ・"Three Strategies to Raise Levels of Learner Participation in Content-heavy Classrooms in Japan” Dokkyo University Studies in Foreign Language Teaching No.15 1996年12月 ・Using Audio Recordings for Learner Self-Correction and Instructor Feedback in EFL Learner Writing 「EFL学習者のライティング学習におけるオーディオ録音の利用について-学習者の自己添削能力と教師のフィードバックの充実に向けて」 Bulletin of Seisen University No.56 2008年12月 |